What is bee space?
Bee space is the precise gap within a hive or natural nest that bees won’t fill with wax or propolis. It was first recognised by Lorenzo Langstroth in 1851…
A Carpenter and Beekeeper’s Notes
How many of you opening your hives for the first time in the Spring and think something is very wrong when you come to lift the roof off…
Is a Mouse Guard really necessary?
I have been keeping bees for a good few years now with up to 10 hives in my apiary. To this date, I have never used a mouse guard. It was only earlier this year that I took a visitor to see one of my hives and to my horror…
Which type of beehive should I buy?
If you are new to beekeeping it can be quite confusing on the type of hive to buy. There are many different types to choose from such as the traditional WBC which everyone…